Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Microsoft No More Interested in Yahoo

Microsoft's last bid of $5 billion was put down by Yahoo. Microsoft decided not to bid any further and refused to bid any further.

Until yesterday, Microsoft seemed quite eager to get Yahoo into their team. Talk on the deals had been on for quite some days when just a few days ago the conversation seemingly has come to an end finally. When Microsoft had placed it's first deal sometime in January 2008, Yahoo had rejected the offer calling it a 'substantial undervalue' to the company. But when the search engine wanted Microsoft to increase its latest $5 billion offer, it was Microsoft that stepped back this time.

Yahoo personnels state that they are open to the bid only if Microsoft keeps up to the search engine's value and the intereset of it's stakeholders. And on the other hand spokesperson from the Microsoft end, say that the economic demand stated by Yahoo is unexpectedly high hence, they decided to step out of the bid.

The Yahoo-Microsoft clash has been a hot topic of discussion for almost five months in the Online industry. Every one seemed concerned about the bid, and wanted to place their comment on it. Some said it would mean a stronger competition for Google, where as there were others who suggested that Yahoo will soon lose its identity if this merger took place, but now, when the bid is not taking place, not many mouths are opening. It seems this break up was a much expected one and people are sort of easy with the idea.

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