SEO Services are being offered widely across the virtual world and it is extremely difficult to state what ethical SEO services are and what the unethical SEO services are. This is a long debate amongst the two set of SEOs who defend their own methods of search engine optimization.
Without going deep into the debate of what it means by ethical and unethical SEO Services, I would rather state a few very simple but ideal (p.s. not ethical) search engine optimization methods which I feel must be followed by every SEO Service provider who claims to be doing justice to his work and to his clients.
The first rule that I always follow in my SEO services fro my clients is to go by the popular statement ‘The Client is always right’. Yes, when I am working on a project and I wish to convey a message across to the public, I do not go by my statement, instead I listen to what my client had to say. If he feels that the message is being conveyed right, then most of the others on the internet too will think the same.
The next rule that I follow is of real importance to me. This rule says ‘Do not be dishonest’. I strictly follow this rule of not being dishonest neither to my client, nor the search engine and neither to myself. If I feel a certain target is unattainable even if I put in a thousand percent effort, I do not hesitate to tell my client the same. No hidden content no unrelated links for my SEO service which might mislead the search engine spiders.
My next SEO Service rule says ‘I am responsible for my actions’. Be it a success or a failure, if it is due to my efforts I am completely responsible for it. If a project does not perform well, I am not going to bale it on the search engines or the poor content of my client’s website. I will take the responsibility of not being able to identify the faults and rectify them.
These are the four golden rules of my business, which have be giving my good response from my clients who have grown to build a trustworthy bond with me and also with the search engine, where I am being able to help my clients succeed.