Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Which is a Better Couple: Micro-hoo or Yahoo-gle?

The internet Big Bs are on a run these days. They are busy trying to hook a partner for themselves for the big town hall ball.

It all seems like a love triangle to me. Or may be a fairy tale of the prince-princess and the bad man. Where unfortunately, Microsoft looks like the bad man. He tried to woo Yahoo into a love alliance with him, which the 'Lady' refused, and instead chose the handsome and wealthy prince as her partner to the town-hall Ball party.

Ok enough of that fairytale bit. But I was actually enjoying it as it seems no different from the tale. First it was Microsoft trying to team in Yahoo, which the later declined stating that MS was actually underrating it. (Underrating!!). Well I appreciate that the alliance did not take place, since, MS was hoping to destroy the leading search engine once it was in. the Micro-Yahoo team up would actually stand as a big danger to search engine marketing as a number of supporting websites like Flickr, Del-icio-us, would have come under the sword.

On the other hand the advertising campaign between Yahoo and Google seems to be a safer bid, where nothing seems to be so drastically destroying. But the fear of demolishing the existing power of search engine markting is what is worrying the world. After the Yahoogle thing, there might not be a top search engine and a following one. PPC will gain importance, and the organic search might just die a natural (an unnatural) death.

The Big Bs tell us that it is just a testing phase where they want to evaluate the success of the game. But they have not disclosed what is to be done if this test actually succeeds. Is Google really I mean REALLY going to team up with a rival and that too one who is lower in position. What's the gain?

Know more about this topic on Online Marketing Site - http://www.rupizmedia.com/

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