Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Banner Advertising Exposed

The first thing that comes to the mind of a web publisher, who wants to sell the space on his web site, is banner advertisements. Banners are the most common and popular formats used in online advertising. It has many advantages over other advertising tools.

If you look at the services provided by online marketing companies, you would prominently find banner advertising in the list. Banner advertising offers a very simplistic approach to generate revenue for publishers. The publisher simply has to designate a space for the placement of a given size of banner.

In banner advertising, the head and the footer serve as ideal places. Banner advertisements placed at these positions are paid higher; generally the one at the top is the most paying. Other than these two positions, banners can be placed anywhere on the web site.

If you ask for my suggestion I would recommend banner for agencies interested in advertising and visibility on the web. Therefore, banners on cost per impression basis serve as best. For CPA (cost per action) models, the header might work, but it is least possible in case of footer. That area is one which receives minimum activity like mouse action or click on the web page.

Banners are standard formats. They appear in certain specified sizes. Banner ads are delivered by a central advertisement serving program. So you do not have to worry much. It is also the safe bet. And by signing up for a program which pays for impressions, you only have to care about your web site performance and promotions.

Supported with animations and catch presentations, banners are the attention grabbers. On a web site with a good banner, the maximum attention would be near the banner. By placing the right content there, the marketers can enhance their campaigns and programs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Now a days banner ads is much exposed and the trend is increasing day by day in the field of internet marketing. Placing the banner ads in a right place will have a chance of getting more traffic to your website.

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