Tuesday, December 11, 2007

YouTube Users to Share Ad Generated Profits

It is profit-making time again for users of YouTube. The highly-popular video-sharing web community has launched its Partner Program which allows the site's most prolific users to get a share of the its advertising revenue.

Users have the option of picking the videos that they want to be displayed alongside adverts. Thus, they will have the chance of earning a part of the revenues generated by these corresponding ads.

YouTube has invited applications from its users living in Canada and the US. The scheme is all set to cater to the international market soon. After receiving applications, YouTube will pick its most dedicated community members who have been uploading original content and have managed to build a significant audience on the site.

Users who have consistently complied with the website's terms of use stand a good chance at being selected for the profit scheme. The Partner Program works on a non-exclusive agreement, allowing users to post their videos elsewhere even if they become a partner with YouTube.

Although the amount of profit payable has not been made public as yet, for users, something is definitely better than anything.

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