Monday, December 3, 2007

Internet Bullying is the Latest Cause of Concern

Step aside Internet spies and hackers... the Bullies are on their way! Parents and schools in the US are having a tough time in battling a menace called Internet bullying. Kids are using the World Wide Web to send hateful text messages, abusive emails and spread cyber gossip. And the worst part is, all this happens from the supposedly 'secure' environment of their homes.

An increasing number of children insist that they had never been bullied before, and are therefore finding it exceedingly difficult to cope up with the situation. Experts assert that the solution does not lie in banning of the Internet. Instead, parents and teachers should come together and help kids out of such situations.

When it comes to the number of kids harassed online, the latest report shows a 50 percent increase in the 10 to 17 age bracket. It also states that more than 64 percent of the victims have not faced any kind of physical or verbal aggression otherwise.

The biggest reason behind the 'success' of Internet bullying is the anonymity factor of the web. You can easily create pseudo names or email ids and use them to harass others, without risking the revelation of your true identity.

Schools in the US are taking this matter seriously and plan to come up with strategies that can keep a check on these activities. Certain cyber-building policies will also be formulated in this regard.

With the Internet getting murkier with each passing day, you never know what you will have to counter the next time round.

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