Friday, March 21, 2008

The Golden Rules of Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization or SMO is a unique way in which you can optimize your website in an interactive platform.

Recently, SMO or Social Media Optimization has become an easy and convenient way of optimizing your website. The basic concept behind social media optimization is a very straight and simple one. All it does is do a little bit of here and there in your website so that it is easily optimized and well connected too. The work of social media optimization is to make your website visible on a large social media platform and custom search engines too.

Social Media Optimization usually follows a certain set pattern of rules. These rules are as follows:

  • It wants your website to increase the linkability of its content so that it can optimize your website for social communities.
  • It prefers tagging buttons like those to Reddit,, Dig etc. Tagging pages to popular social bookmarking sites also increases the credibility of the website.
  • Social media optimization too realizes the influence of inbound links in making a website popular and adds a lot of weightage to these inbound links.

Social Media Optimization does mean serious business but in a friendlier manner which, is encouraging and enthusiastic. Some of the most popular social media websites are MySpace,, Wikipedia, YouTube etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See here or here

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