Friday, March 7, 2008

Go Gaga about Affiliate Marketing

Many webmasters I know are absolute fans of affiliate marketing and keep singing praise bout it to who so ever they meet. I agree that affiliate marketing is an essential form of internet advertisement but like any other business, this too does not come without its ups and downs.

Here are some reasons I could state which I personally feel make affiliate marketing so preferable a tool for internet advertising. The first thing that strikes me is that it is cost effective and no investment home based business. (that’s one of the major reasons I prefer affiliate marketing and I believe many of you too.)

Affiliate marketing as such, is a no hassle business where you do not even need to keep inventories. The records are generally maintained by the merchants themselves. It is practically a low risk and high exposure business. You can go global with your affiliate marketing even by maintaining a low budget and low risk factor.

Unlike any other desk job affiliate marketing does not limit your working hours from 9-6. here you are the boss and hence solely responsible for the profit or loss your business makes. Therefore, it depends on the kind of network you have to decide how much time you need to dedicate to your affiliate marketing business.

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