Friday, September 5, 2008

Duplicate Content vs. Search Engine Marketing

Content is considered to be an important tool in the process of search engine marketing. But how do search engines cope with duplicate content services.

Good and quality content contributes towards successful ranking of the websites in the search engines. But the rising threat of duplicate content have made it difficult for the search engines to provide appropriate and accurate results. Duplicate content has thus, become a threat to the unfailing technique of search engine marketing. In such situations, what are the steps that search engines take, and how do they ensure perfect search engine marketing results.

Two major scenarios of duplicate content that search engines generally have to cope are; one, when the content pages in your site are similar. Meaning, one page has content that matches with the content of another page, and secondly, when some other site has been extracting content from your site to place it in his. Both these duplicate content practices have an extremely disappointing effect on genuine search engine marketing services.

Ironically enough, it is seen that duplicate content does not have any effect on the site's presence in the search index, instead it just gets filtered. The best way to ensure that the duplicate content pages do not affect your site's search engine marketing practice is to check your website indexing properly and remove those pages immediately before them search engine robots can crawl through them. Block access to those pages by removing them from the robots.txt flies. Also, ensure that the links to those pages are not visible in your site map, which could be another route for the search engine crawlers to access the pages in your site.

Duplicate content does contaminate the search engine marketing results. Therefore, there is no reason why you should be using it in your online marketing practice. Instead it is wiser to use article syndication or content syndication for your site's content heavy pages.


Anonymous said...

This is a question rather than a comment. First, I describe the situation, then the question.

I frequently write articles on effective marketing practices for third-party publications and then republish them as "resources" on my own site (noting where they originally appeared).

More recently, I was asked to write a blog for a trade organization and again want to reproduce it on my own site, in part because I'd like "search engine credit" and in part because it's a different audience.

The question is, "How will search engines treat this (same content/different sites)and do you have any suggestions for better achieving my objectives? Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You must use different vocabulary and variation of words to re-produce the content. This will avoid the chances for duplicate content penalty and let your content more unique as possible.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to bother you again, but I wanted to know what would happen if I didn't take the time to do that. Again (two different sites, same article). Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The search engine will give more weightage to the article, which is cached before the other article. And please avoid to use duplicate content on your site itself, try on other article sites.

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