Saturday, November 24, 2007

Moments that Changed the Web Forever - IV

I know I cannot continue with this topic forever... it might have gotten a tad bit boring. So, for the last post in this series, I shall talk about the four most impacting moments in the Internet's history.

Internet Browsers – October, 1969
Way back in the year 1969, the concept of Internet was being pondered upon by Professor Len Kleinrock. The idea took off when he tried to use a dedicated phone line to link a mainframe computer at UCLA to one at the Stanford Research Institute. He managed to transfer two alphabets before the system crashed. The second attempt, however, bore results, and the concept of Internet browsers came into being.

Google – September, 1998
This can be easily described as a historic 'invention' in the online world. Stanford University students Sergey Brin and Larry Page met in the year 1995, and within a year, started working on the concept of links influencing search engine rankings. In September 1998, they opened the first Google office in a garage, and changed the web forever. Google was the company that brought in the idea of profit sharing through search engines. Today, it is considered to be one of the most influential web entities in the world.

Netscape – August, 1995
Netscape was the pioneering effort in the field of Internet browsers. After going public with its shares in 1995, it actually went on to prove that the web is a great place for all kinds of marketing activities. The legacy has been carried forward by a number of web entities, many of which even went defunct in the process. But, Netscape continues to stand tall and make new strides in the online marketplace.

The World Wide Web – December, 1990
What can be bigger than the Web itself? The greatest moment in the history of the web is the moment of its creation. In the year 1990, the world got its Christmas present in the form of the world's first web server. The brains behind this operation were that of Tim Berners Lee and Robert Cailliau of the CERN research lab in Geneva. The first-ever content posted on the web was the CERN phone directory.

Today, the World Wide Web impacts almost every aspect of our lives, both personal and professional. And yes, this blog is very much a part of the same web!

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